MongoDB Cluster Administration Notes [Part 1 - Mongod]
Mongod - These are summary notes based on MongoDB Cluster Administration course at MongoDB University.
Disclaimer: These are notes I’m taking as I go through the course and I tend to summarize, paraphrase and add my own insights. Although I try to be as accurate as possible, there may be things I’ve misunderstood. Please rely on the MongoDB Docs first and foremost for any reference material. If you see any mistakes and would like to fix them, please create a PR here.
1. The Mongod
Mongod is the main daemon process that runs continuously to receive commands to interact with the MongoDB database.
Default Configuration (when running mongod
without configuration)
- port:27017
- dbpath: /data/db
- bind_ip: localhost
- auth: disabled
You can pass in each option to the command line to specify tha particular aspect. As an example, if you’d like the dbpath to be different, you can run mongod --dbpath /data/extra/db
Here’s a full list of the options when starting mongod. It can take a lot of work to type in every command line option, so often times, we can store these options in a MongoDB config file. See examples and usages of it on their config documentation. Note that these don’t correspond 1-1 with the command line options, and there are sometimes multiple items that must be specified in the config file to achieve the same command line option. The MongoDB config is stored as in a YAML format.
Using the same dbpath example, the config file would look like:
dbPath: "/data/extra/"
After saving it as a mongod.conf
file, you can run mongod with the config like this: mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
Here’s a more robust example
- run on port 27000
- data files are stored in /data/db/
- listens to connections from the IP address and localhost
- authentication is enabled
mongod.conf file equivalent:
destination: file
path: "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log"
dbPath: "/data/db/"
bindIp:, localhost
port: 27000
authorization: enabled
File structure (inside /data/db/)
Note, none of the files here are meant for regular users to inspect or modify.
- WiredTiger.lock is a file that prevents other mongod instances from using that directory
- *.wt are storage files for collection or index data
- / folder contains diagnostics data
- /journal folder contains journal data. Writes are actually buffered 60 seconds in memory
- mongod.lock is similar to WiredTiger.lock and mongo processes cannot access that folder
Basic commands and shell wrappers/helpers with examples - generally stick with the helper methods
- db.
() - database commands - User management ->
- Collection management ->
- Database management ->
- Database status ->
- User management ->
- rs.
() - replica set commands - sh.
() - sharded commands
Note, these methods are for ease of use on our side, each of them actually calls a function like this: db.runCommand({<command stuff>})
. One more thing to note is that the db
that we’ve been referring to always refers to the active database (from the use
Here’s an example of the differences between the database command and shell helper:
Shell wrapper/helper:
{ "product": 1 },
{ "name": "name_index" }
Database command:
{ "createIndexes": <collection> },
{ "indexes": [
"key": { "product": 1 }
{ "name": "name_index" }
Process log - this is generally the activity on the mongodb instance (ex. querying and writing should all show up here)
MongoDB verbosity levels
- -1 = inherit from parent
- 0 = default verbosity (info level)
- 1-5 = increased verbosity like debug
We can look at the process logs through the shell or using some sort of utility (such as tail
). In the shell, you can run db.adminCommand({"getLog": "global"})
to get ALL the logs - will give logs from the point we run the command onwards. There’s also a very cool tool called Edda which can seem to visualize the log file nicely. Otherwise, the logs can also be pumped to a 3rd party tool (such as Loggly) and visualized through their dashboards.
To set the verbosity level of each of the comments through the shell, you can run db.setLogLevel(0, "<LOG COMPONENT>")
. To se the index logs to 0 verbosity level, run db.setLogLevel(0, "index")
MongoDB log message severity levels (a single letter right after the timestamp)
- F - Fatal
- E - Error
- W - Warning
- I - Info
- D - Debug
Most of the logs are relatively straight forward, but there a few things that are good to note. The very last parameter that say <number>ms
is the number of milliseconds the action took - this could be very useful in debugging slow commands. The forth parameter that may look like [conn3]
is essentially an identifier for the client. This means if this is the same in multiple logs, it was the same client that issue the command that generated the log.
For slow queries and performance issues, it’s not enough to rely solely on the logs. The profiler has information on CRUD, administrative and configuration options.
Profiler settings
- 0 - profiler is off and doesn’t collect any data. This is the default
- 1 - profiler only collects operation that are slow (> 100 ms)
- 2 - profiles ALL operations; this is a little dangerous as it’s a LOT of data
To get and set the profiling levels, use db.getProfilingLevel()
and db.setProfilingLevel(level)
respectively. Once the profiler is turned on (using the set command), a system.profile
collection will appear.
All of this can also be specified in the mongod.conf
file like this:
mode: slowOp
slowOpThresholdMs: 50
Four types of authentication methods
- SCRAM - default (salted challenge response authentication mechanism). Basic password security
- X.509 - uses X.509 certificate for authentication (harder to use, but probably more secure)
- LDAP - enterprise authentication
- Kerberos - enterprise authentication
MongoDB also has intra-cluster authentication.
MongoDB uses RBAC (role based access control)
- Each user has one or more roles
- Each role has one or more privileges
- Each privilege defines a set of “actions” or a single action that can be performed over a resource
- Each role has one or more privileges
When authentication is enabled, the MongoDB instance will let you authenticate without any credentials on localhost. BUT once you create a user, that will be no longer possible. The standard is to always create the administrator user first.
Roles can also have network authentication restrictions such as only being able to connect from a defined IP address or range.
Built in roles
- Database User
- Database Administration
- Cluster Administration
- Backup/Restore
- Super User (root)
can only create and drop users, but cannot read/write any data (no data modifications)dbAdmin
can look at stats, indexes, collections, etc. but also cannot read/write any data (no data modifications)dbOwner
can perform any admin function on the database (including read/write). This role technically combines a couple of the other roles to form the dbOwner
Database tools
- mongod (already covered - main database process)
- mongo (already covered - shell connection tool)
- mongostat - quick statistics (ops/second, memory, cpu etc.)
- mongodump - exports dump files in bson format
- mongorestore - restores dump files from bson format
- mongoexport - exports data as json (sends output to standard out)
- mongoimport - imports data from json